Do you recognize this?
- My stock is stored at multiple warehouses. How do I manage this?
- I need multiple carriers to be able to ship all orders. How can I automate this in a good way?
- I also have offline stores. How can I use these as Online Collection Point and also as warehouse if needed/?
- I have enormous peaks and downtime in my workload throughout the week. How can I even these out?
- I am mostly shopping my orders in the afternoon and evening. How can I enable shipping more orders already in the morning?
- I also have orders coming from wholesale platforms like and Amazon. How can I manage the logistic process and execution of these order flows?
- My customers want to be able to choose when and how they want to receive their orders. How can I manage this in a reliable way?
These are all issues that we have to deal with to a greater or lesser extent on a daily basis and where answers and solutions are now available. Read the blog of Roland Slegers – Leijsten, CEO DeliveryMatch, that he wrote in October 2018 for ‘Webshop Keurmerk’ in which he gives the solutions about the above highlighted questions. You can read the full blog HERE (blog is written in Dutch).